Sunday 15 April 2007

Working Children

Nowadays, we can see many underage workers in our surrounding. We can see in the streets, and public facilities. Commonly, they work as lift laborer in the market, or as streets beggar. This affair can be happened because family’s economic conditions which can not handle family’s needs so the family’s child must take a job as breadwinner beside father. Even, there is some child who quit from school because they want to maximize their income from their job.

Until now, there are many regulations which forbid the existence of working children in Indonesia. Yet, many people doesn’t know or realize the regulations because lack of socialization to people from government. In addition, government look like do not care to this affair. Irresponsible acts of government can make the future of children forced to work in Indonesia will be just a not coming dreams. Even, they can risk their life because their works is dangerous. Based on sheet from PUBH in 2005, there are 200000 working children have bad injury when do their work, from the entire world.

Now, what we can do to help them are minimalism the amount of underage workers like giving scholarships to children from poor family and giving economic aids to poor family. Government must be responsible and not closed their eyes to this affair because their acts will make international party give our country bad opinion. This problem will ashamed our country in the eyes of international

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