Sunday 8 April 2007



Bogor Botanical Garden

Bogor –my hometown-has many interesting place and the most famous place is Bogor Botanical Garden. Bogor Botanical Garden is large area ( cover more than 80 hectares) of the original rainforest that contains more than 15.000 species of trees and plants, 400 type of palm, 3000 orchids, and 50 different varieties of birds and bats. The bats can be easily detected by the noise they make while competing for space under the canopies. The gardens officially opened in 1817 by German–born Dutch Botanist, Professor Casper George Carl Reinwardt and were used to research and develop plants and seeds from other parts of the Indonesian archipelago for cultivation during the 19th century. This site was also used by the Dutch for introducing tropical plants from other parts of the world into the region and served as a training ground for specialists in tropical botany., providing excellent specimens for scientific study.. Now Bogor botanical garden is known as a great natural recreation not only for Indonesian people but also tourist in around the world and the most important Bogor Botanical Garden reputation as a major center for botanical research makes people in all part of the world give their respect for our country.


The distribution water in our environment especially in our house is quite easy to be learned. First water from water source, for example ground water or aquifer, is pumped in pipeline system by water provider like PDAM in Indonesia to customer house. Next water in house pipeline system with cold condition move in three direction. First direction is sink in lower part of house, two others direction in the upper part of house. Second direction located in upper part of house are toilet, wash basin,and bath. Last direction also located in upper part of house is cold water tank .In this tank cold water can be storaged or move into hot water tank. Cold water can be converted into hot water. The hot water can used in bath and wash basin. So people can choose water condition for they need.

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