Friday, 23 March 2007
Extracting Methane Gas

Water System
Did you know how water can distribute to all of your house side? There is a water system that have been made by the people when their built their house. This s

"Rumah Gadang"
Rumah gadang has unique parts that make it special as a traditional house from West Sumatra. It seem to be different with other traditional houses. Rumah gadang has curved roof like a buffaloe's horn. It's body's shape same like a ship. It's floor made 2 meters high from the ground. Rumah gadang also has other unique, it has many different name. People name it based on the number of room in front to back side. It can be named as "Lipek Pandan", "Balah Bubuang", and "Gajah Maharam". And then last spec

Task 3
Debus is a form of a traditional martial art that is combined with the art of dances, vocals, and a bit essence of magic from Banten. Debus was created in the 16th century by Sunan Gunung Jati as an effort in spreading the learning of Islam. But then between the years of 1651-1682, the purpose of performing Debus evolved into encouraging the soldier of Banten before going to war against the Dutch. The purpose of performing Debus evolves over the years until now it is performed only as a show in traditional ceremony or just a show dedicated to the public especially tourist, but the process of Debus is very much the same.
The show starts with the opening (gembung) which is the singing of sholawat or the praises to Prophet Mohammed and the God accompanied by drumming of tabuh for 30 minutes. The show continues with beluk, which is again the singing of praises but only the voices are raised and the singers reply at each other dzikir still in the drumming of tabuh. Along with beluk, the performers start to perform certain stunts according to what they wish to do. The idea is that they hurt their body with knives, fire, needle, and even acid but their body can still retain the pain and then they get away with no wound.
There are certain stunts that are commonly performed such as stabbing body with traditional weapons like golok, eating fire, stitching needles through tongue and arms, and of course the most popular is walking through wreckage of glasses. Lastly the show ended with gemurung, which is intensive drumming of tabuh.
The water that runs in our houses usually follows the same simple cycle. It starts with the cold water pumped directly from the main pipe to the sink on the first floor and to the toilet, the wash basin, and the bath on the second floor. A part of the water which has not been used is stored in the cold water tank at the attic. After that the water in the cold water tank flows to the hot water tank to be then heated and becomes the hot water. Lastly the hot water is distributed to the bath and the wash basin on the second floor and to the sink on the first floor
Methane is derived from the house hold waste. The waste enters a warming bed for warming. The warming process produces methane used for fertilizer and methane that needs more processing. The fertilizer can be used directly without any further process but the other methane product must be processed to get the pure methane. First, the methane enters a dirt trap to separate the dirt phase and gas phase. Then, the gas phase flows through pipe to a sealed tank with water inside that acts as the gas indicator. The product from this reaction flows to 2 pipes. The first pipe carries the gas to a pressure release tank for decreasing the pressure of gas excess when the pressure is high while another pipe carries it to the inner tubes with weight on the top to increase the pressure of the gas. Finally, the rest gas is carried to a gas holder that will flow it to the tap where we can get the pure methane just by opening the tap.
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Task 3 Mendoan Tempeh
Because I do not know unique foods from my hometown, Bekasi, so I will tell you about my born town’s food, Cilacap. My favorite food from Cilacap is Mendoan.
Mendoan is tempeh covered with flour and medium fried. Added with some slices onion leaves, some onion slices, salt, sugar, and seasoning.
We can find stall which sell mendoans everywhere in Cilacap, especially in traditional market, city square and theme park. In addition, we can order mendoan’s seller to make stand for some events like wedding, family gathering, birthday party, etc.
I think mendoan is the best food from Cilacap. that because mendoan is very delicious and melt in my mouth. Because of that, I always go to the mendoans stall everytime I go to Cilacap.
task 3 Hot n Cold Water Process
Firstable, the land water or cold water from the source go in to the pipes. Water flows through the pipes and divided into two way. The first way goes nito the sink without changing into hot water, and the second way goes up into the toilet and divided into four way. The water goes to the toilet, wash basin, and bathtub, also without changing into hot water or still cold water. The last ways goes to cold water tanks to save the water. If needed, water from the tanks goes in through the pipe and flow into the hot water tank to convert the cold water into hot water. After the changement, the hot water goes into the pipe and divided into two parts way. First way, the water flows down into the sink. The second way, water flows into the bathtub and the basin.
One of the most beautiful places in Jakarta is the National Monument or Monas. It is located in central Jakarta, near the Gambir Station. National Monument is surrounded by a huge and beautiful park which is open everyday to welcome the visitors.
The National Monument is a 450 ft (137 m) tall tower, which is symbolizing the fight for Indonesia’s Independence. Its construction began in 1961 under Soekarno and was not finished until 197 under Soeharto. A 14,5 tones flamed-shaped bronze plated in 35 kg (1,125 troy ounces ) of gold tops it.
Visitors can take a lift up to a platform with a good view of Medan Merdeka Park, Istiqlal Mosque and the city, if it is not too foggy. Inside the base of the monument, is an exhibition on the country's Declaration of Independence and several dioramas showing the history of Indonesia. In the park, you can sit down in the park bench and play in the children arena, and see a lot of deer walking around in that park
Water distribution in Indonesia is arranged under the PDAM. They use the pipe system in underground to distribute the water. They distribute water from spring to many houses. In house, water that came from underground pipe is separated in three different way. The first one brings the water from the ground to be saved in the cold water tank (something like kettle in a big size) in the upstairs. Then, from the cold water tank, it’s flow to the heater that makes the water become hot and then distribute it to the water tap at the wash basin, bath, and the toilet in the upstairs and to the sink in the downstairs. The second one is distribute the water directly to the washbasin, bath, and the toilet. The last one brings the water to the sink. That is how the water distributes into our house so we can use it easily.
Task Three
Dodol, the traditional food that comes from Garut, is easy and inexpensive to make. All we need just a fresh milk, sugar, brown sugar, rice flour, and butter. First, boil all the items in a pan and add butter until the dough becomes thick and brown for an hour. Then, add the rice flour until it’s not sticky enough and turns dark brown. We must be careful not to stop stirring the dough to prevent it formed crust at the bottom of the pan. This process needs to be done for at least three hours. Next, placed the dough to a cake tin covered with some plastic and already greased with butter. The butter helps us to make the dough is easier to release. In addition, this process usually requires more than 12 hours. After the dodol becomes cold and solid, cut it into some little pieces. Then, we can enjoy the dodol right away.
Process Paragraph
Have you ever wondered how cold and hot water is distributed within the house? Here, we’ll find out about that. First, the cold water that comes from the mains is flowed to house appliances, such as sink, toilet, washbasin, and bathtub. The other channel, which connected the mains with the cold water tank, stores the water before it is distributed to hot water tank. Then, after some heating process, the hot water is flowed to the same house appliances where the cold water goes. That is how we can get both the hot and cold water at the same time within the house.
Monday, 19 March 2007
The process of supplying hot water and cold water to our houses is quite simple. First, cold water from underground is pumped through pipelining process that is divided into 3 pipes. The first pipe flows the cold water to a sink while the second pipe flows it to three lines, to the wash basin, toilet, and bath. The cold water in the third pipe is flew to the heater tank for heating to get the hot water. Finally, the hot water is pumped again to the water tabs of the sink, wash basin, and bath.
Lawangsewu, a mysterious historical building in
The process of supplying hot water and cold water to our houses is quite simple. First, cold water from underground is pumped through pipelining process that is divided into 3 pipes. The first pipe flows the cold water to a sink while the second pipe flows it to three lines, to the wash basin, toilet, and bath. The cold water in the third pipe is flew to the heater tank for heating to get the hot water. Finally, the hot water is pumped again to the water tabs of the sink, wash basin, and bath.
Lawangsewu, a mysterious historical building in
methane extraction process
Sewage Management
Extracting Methane
Task 3
Ice Lodeh is a kind of drink that tastes like “rujak”. It is hot and sour, but it serves with ice. So the taste is a mix between hot and cold, it’s refreshing. It is made of local fruits, like: mango, longan, pineapple, and rose apple. Those fruit are cut in a small slice then cook with the other ingredients, like: water, chilly, tomato, etc. The look is not really good for some people. But, it has a great taste. This drink is really unique because it can only be found in the center of city in Jombang, East Java. We can find it in the public market in Jombang.
Process Paragraph
The cold water comes from the main water source. Then it flows divided into two ways. The first way goes directly into the sink. The second way goes up and distribute into toilet, wash basin, and bathhub. Besides that, it also flows upstairs and fills the cold water tank. Then the cold water from cold water tank flows again into the hot water tank. The water that comes out from hot water tank becomes hot water. The hot water distribute to the first and second floors. In second floor, it can come out in bathtub and wash basin and in the first floor it can come out through the sink.