Sunday, 25 March 2007

Sewage Disposal Unit

The best way to waste the sewage is use a sewage disposal unit. In the sewage disposal unit, sewage can be changed to the purified water. First, sewage from main sewer is flown to settling tank. In there, sewage is separated to be polluted water and the undecayed solid will settle at the bottom of the settling tank. The undecayed solid is removed and burned. Next, the polluted water is flown to pump house. After that, the polluted water is pumped to the sprinkler beds. The outside of sprinkler bed is made of brick work. At the top of sprinkler bed there are rotating arms which can sprinkle the polluted water into sprinkler bed. After polluted water get into sprinkler bed, the polluted water is filtered and finally the polluted water is changed to be purified water and is flown to the river.

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