Palembang is the capital city of South Sumatera Province. It was the center of Sriwijaya before the kingdom was destroyed by Majapahit. Based on ancient inscription that was found in 683 a.d. near Bukit Siguntang, Palembang is considered as the oldest city in Indonesia. Its age is about 1382 years old. Topographically, this city is surrounded by water. Moreover there is still some flooded area at about 52,24% of land. Therefore the ancestor called it as ‘Palembang’ which means an area that is flooded by water (in Melayu-Palembang, Pa means some place or some condition, and lembang means flooded).

The two part of Palembang, ‘ulu’ and ‘ilir’ area that is separated by Musi River, is connected by the Ampera Bridge. The orange bridge was built on April 1962 and was finished on May 1965. It has 1100 meter length and 22 meter width. On the top of the bridge, two tower height 75 meter were built. The Ampera Bridge can be lifted up when a big ship needs to passed by along Musi River.

Palembang has a major amount of Tinghoa community, besides the Malayan and other tribes. Masjid Agung, the most popular mosque which is built by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, is located in the center of Palembang as the heart of the city. There are some historical place that we can visit, such as Pulau Kemaro, Benteng Kuto Besak, Museum Bala Putera Dewa, Taman Purbakala Kerajaan Sriwijaya, Bukit Siguntang, and some archaeological tomb sites of kings and their families. The original food of Palembang is pempek, tekwan, model, celimpungan, burgo, laksan, kerupuk kemplang ikan, and some traditional cakes such as maksuba, engkak ketan, and 8jam cake. These foods (especially pempek) impress the Chinese taste of its society.

Palembang has been developed significantly since it became a host for National Sporting Event in 2004. Palembang Government is trying to develop its city even more as it may increase the revenue to Palembang itself. Moreover, Palembang has been settled as ‘Kota Wisata Air’ in 27 September 2005 by the president of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. He convinced that Palembang could be developed as a water recreation city just like Bangkok, Thailand, and Pnomh Phenh.
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