Ampera Bridge is known as the icon of Palembang. The two part of Palembang, ‘ulu’ and ‘ilir’ area that is separated by Musi River is connected by this orange bridge. Ampera Bridge was built on April 1962 and was finished on May 1965. It has 1100 meter length and 22 meter width with 994 ton weight. On the top of the bridge, two tower heights 75 meters were built. The Ampera Bridge can be lifted up when a big ship needs to pass by along Musi River. It can be happened because of the mechanism of the 450 ton pendulum in each tower. The fastness of the lifting up process itself reaches 10 meter per second.

There are some special regulations of water in our house. It is started from the cold water supplies of PDAM (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum). First, the cold water from PDAM is flown with a huge pipe and being fairly distributed to many houses. Based on the picture, the cold water is flown to the sink in the first floor and other appliances in the second floor. Then in the second floor, the cold water is distributed to cold water tank (for storage) and to the toilet, wash basin, and bath. Next, the storage water in cold water tank is flown to the hot water tank. In this tank, the cold water is heated and produces the hot water as the result. Then the hot water is also flown to the sink, bath, and wash basin. Thus there are two tap of water (for the hot and cold water) in those three appliances; the sink, bath, and wash basin. A lot of pipes are absolutely needed to make sure that the regulation of water is done well.
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