Saturday, 24 February 2007



I always remember about Aceh when the conversation about Aceh is brought up. I had lived there for 9 years and it had been great years. I lived in Lhokseumawe, a small town in north of Aceh. When I was there, Lhokseumawe was a very quiet and safe place, but now Aceh, especially Lhokseumawe, has changed a lot.
Back to 1996, Aceh was a peaceful place to live in. The people lived a simple way of life and they amused them selves by going to the traditional markets because a lot of attraction are located in those markets and also because there is only one mall in the area, Cunda Plaza , which is far from the center of the city. People feel safe to go anywhere to look for amusement because there were little risks of damage or harm.
But now, everything has changed. Nowadays, Aceh is not as peaceful as it used to be. Eversince GAM started to rebel against the government, Aceh became a problematic area and an unsafe place to live in. A lot of non- Aceh people were kidnapped by the GAM and they asked for money to free this people. The money was then used to finance the GAM. GAM also enforces moslem’s law, Acehnese like women or girls have to wear scarves. Today, Aceh is no longer a comfortable place to live in because of all the security measures enforced by the government.

Good, please avoid using spoken language in your writing.

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