Monday, 19 February 2007

Jakarta, The Principal Gateway

Despite my status as a citizen of Tangerang, I would say that I have spent most of my life in Jakarta. I was born, spent my childhood and went to schools in Jakarta. So even though my home isn’t in Jakarta, I always proudly refer Jakarta as my hometown. My home is at Ciputat, Tangerang which is about 2 Km from the south of Jakarta. It’s not very far from the heart of Jakarta, but it could take about 2 hours with traffic. Tangerang lies from part of the north of Jakarta to the west then part of the south of Jakarta. Other than that, Jakarta is boarded with Bekasi at east, Depok at south, and Java sea at the north where thousand islands spread. So basically Jakarta is located at west of Java making Jakarta strategically positioned as the principal gateway to the rest of Indonesia.
Being the principal gateway, Jakarta is truly a meeting point for every ethnic groups in Indonesia along side immigrants from around the world making Jakarta a truly metropolitan city with its wide variety of language, culture and religion as well as its economic growth. Within the following paragraph, I would like to show you the variety of language, culture, and religion in Jakarta and how the migration especially the urbanization had influenced them.
The native ethnic of Jakarta is Betawi, but due to a great urbanization, the majority of ethnics that have settled in Jakarta are now Minang, Batak, Jawa, Sunda, and Tiong Hoa along side immigrants from foreign countries. So not only distinct languages and dialects of Indonesia’s very own that have influenced how citizens of Jakarta talk, foreign languages have also influenced the way they talk and have setting a new trend of language called “bahasa gaul”.
The folklore, dances, and music of Betawi are very much influenced by the history of Jakarta. It was in the 16th century that the Europeans began to come to Jakarta after the culture of Arab had grown, and started running the city. By the early 20th century the Japanese are in favor of replacing the monarchy of VOC. So it was not a surprise that the cultures of the Europeans especially the Dutch and the Japanese appear in every bit of Betawi’s culture. The clear example is within the Betawi’s most famous folkore which is Si Pitung. In this story, Pitung in war with the “kompeni” which is the call for VOC officer. The other clear example is how close the similarity between Tari Jaipong and The Opera Beijing’s costume. And of course the music of Betawi like the Tanjidor is very much influenced by the combination of Arab and the Dutch.
Beside bringing foreign cultures into Jakarta, the immigrants like Arab, India, the Chinese and of course the Europeans are also responsible for bringing religions that have settled in Jakarta such as Islam, Christianity, Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu, and Kong Hu Chu. But despite having different religions, people in Jakarta are peacefully living side by side. The wide variety of culture have created a lot of opportunity that brings Jakarta into its economic growth. But not all the faces of Jakarta are good, aside from the economic growth there is still a poverty problem caused by the high number of migration that ended up with tight competition that is in need of solution but after all what’s a metropolitan city without its poverty, criminality, and busy traffic. But aside from that, Jakarta has a unique influence that makes people keep coming and remembering.

Good, thanks for posting.

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