Monday, 12 March 2007

Wayang Golek

Wayang Golek

Wayang golek is a traditional form of puppetry from Sunda, West Java. These puppets are made from wood and being tree-dimensional. These puppets have a moveable head, arms and body which are played by puppeteers named dalang. Dalang sits behind the table on which the puppets perform, this puppetry perform without a screen. The shows are performed accompanied by traditional gamelan music, which speech and sing to tell the story. The stories are usually based on the epic story of the Ramayana and Mahabarata, the show is only a small part of the whole epic. Every puppets has a different characters which can recognized by the size, shape, colour, and angle of their eyes and nose and the way they walk, talk, sing, dance, and fight. Now wayang golek has become a social event, we can easily enjoy the show from our television.

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